Friday, April 4, 2008

Why Google Web Accelerator Is (Very) Bad For Your Business

Google & 39; s production is a thing of wonder. They are constantly churning "out new tools that are truly fascinating, even useful. They are also very controversial. Maps & 39; expansion to include reviews of street addresses has irritated more than one resident. The prospect of finding people who do not live in Brownstone you are always talking about is not welcome.

Google & 39; s Web Accelerator goes one step further truly remarkable home - in its business pocketbook. Basically it boils up to 2 major reasons why it could harm, especially if its popularity spreads. You may be saying " Only 2 reasons? That & 39; s it. Does not sound like a big business. " Perhaps, but that is like saying the only 2 bad things about being shot is that you might get hurt or die.

Basically that the Accelerator is not that - when someone searches Google decides to click on a site from the list, rather than actually go to the site, it shows the cached version than from Google& 39;s servers. What& 39;s wrong with that? Plenty.

1 Any changes made since the last time Google visited are invisible to the visitor. What does this mean? Any special offers, the new copy you are testing, corrections made - that person sees none. Suppose you have a new special offer that is converting like gangbusters. The boy using Accelerator will not see that the offer if it is not on the cached version of Google on your site. This is a lost sale. Considering the amount of traffic to websites comes through Google, which is a potential disaster for the companies, at least temporarily.

What if you posted a price wrong by mistake, but Google started-cache before it corrected? That & 39; s could be more complaints of those seeing the site cached long after you is fixed and posted an apology.

There are many scenarios of how it could really create mountains out of molehills. And the problems that are already mountains? Say you may want to invest in some tanks of oxygen. Let& 39;s take a look at 2 reason.

2 If you use Analytics, you will lose a large amount of data. And that is bad. Think about it. If people are being fed a cached version of your site, which is receiving is from Google& 39;s servers. Not yours. In other words, all activity takes place where you can not see it or track it. As you will know what is or is not working if a large slice of its traffic is not really on your servers?

Sure, they are on your site, maybe even buy. But you have no idea of what is pushing them to take that step. You are flying blind fund. Is that what you want? I do not think so.

The implications here are endless. The only thing in our (business ") is to promote the Accelerator is a download and it is not being actively " " sold by Google. Still. But that may not last. What can you do? There& 39;s not much now. Hopefully it will not gain much ground, but even losing some could injure you and me. We will stay on top of this.

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