Monday, March 31, 2008

Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) All the Information You Need

Combining innovative technology voip access to the Internet, telephone service and therefore it two very different things for the same technology. Now, instead of the traditional telephone connections, voip technology allows broadband connections to the Internet using the phone.
1) So how voip phone work? If you need a broadband connection and a router to
firstly. The device works by the previous suit, as you call. However, this is now voip phone connections via digital telephone lines instead. The phone is also a voip gateway to connect to the network. Then, your voice is converted into a digital sound, and that information is transmitted packets to the suit. Loud and enables people to connect with the service voip.
2) What is necessary to start?
of course, a broadband Internet connection is necessary. Although you can work with other voip internet service providers, there will be a reception with the quality of the voice is not as broadband.
3) What are the benefits I can get voip phone? Key advantages of the cost of the phone voip
the much less traditional phone lines. Whether or not to use the product, a mobile phone or home phone service apply. Unlike home telephone service, and regular long-distance phone voip tonghwaja really benefit from the advice. Since the long-distance phone voip, the more you save, the more phone calls and the location of the person receiving a call is not important. In addition, since the adapter with you, you take it. Suit, gentlemen of this service is perfect for the traveler. In addition, the cost-effectiveness of your voip phone service, if you want to add. For example, instead of the normal fee when you add your phone line, the traditional home service, the minimum amount that you can simply pay with a mobile phone after voip required to install other equipment.
4) is a drawback to the conversion of any mobile phone voip?
although drawbacks, but they are minor. If reception is poor, poor voice quality can arise. However, some of these things we already matbudithigehapnida cellular phone. In addition, since voip phone is connected to a broadband connection, if the company does not have any problem in this connection, together with the supply and the power supply, so you will be automatically blocked on the line. This is a bad signal, even if there is a suit. Occur in an area.
5) What is the future of applications?
presently, most online businesses can be invoked at the same time. Limitations of this service is not in the region and progress in the future and can only grow. Will be used more and more voip phone more convenient for you and the General, made a digital cellular phone. This means that customers will no longer need the mobile phone voip router that connects to the traditional phone line, and this is more than popular. annie cortez

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Best of Breed ISV Software Management

In the fast-changing software market, software vendors need maximum flexibility to software license for best adapted to each market segment. Changes very rapidly and must be implemented immediately - and & 39; licensing software must adapt & 39; is accordingly.
What ISV Software Management?
Good ISV Software Management includes securing & 39; and optimization software lifecycle to include pricing systems flexible and easy to use trial ware establishment At one-way code transformation, and top-code encryption .
ISV Management Software Needs and Resources
Often-time, home-grown l & 39; licensing and configuration management applications can sap valuable in the development of a resource centre, can not compete with best-of - Solutions dedicated breed licenses, and require senior management overheads. The cracking of these mechanisms basic licence is so widespread as to make the licensing & 39; unprotected purely symbolic value. The final result for suppliers of software product pricing is lower and configuration flexibility that leaves the fate of & 39; integrity license user confidence - which may have other good d & 39; priorities .
A ISV Software License Management Tool offers the unique features that meet a software developers Des unique needs such as:
1. From piracy protection code proof 2. Users Online & 39; d d & 39; activation and registration 3. Network licence & 39; logic company & 39; d 4. Usage and time-based billing
For more & 39; management information software ISV, please visit: quadra alita

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Do You Know The Encyclopedia of Mac...?

June26, 2006, Apple American company has developed computer technology, and sells and supports a range of personal computers and portable media players, software, hardware accessories.
the company most known products are the Apple Macintosh line of personal computers, iPod] portable music player, Lleyton Media player. Apple has been a key player in the evolution of the personal computer, since its founding in 1976. Apple second minute, introduced in 1977, was hit with home users. In in 1983, the Apple Lisa, the first commercial personal computer to employ graphical user interface, which influenced in part by Xerox alto.
in 1984, Macintosh (known as " Mack & quot;) was introduced, and the promotion of the concepts of user-friendly graphical user interface , as well as mouse for the first time in personal computers. Apple Macintosh with success and become a major influence in the development of the graphical interface in 1991, the apple powerbook line of portable computers, and a modern and comfortable form of design that has become since then everywhere in the first portable market.
the affaires was backed Motorola & 39; s32 bit 680x0 family of central processing units. In 1994, the powermacs apples, which were higher than the performance Bauer NBC chip designed by Apple, IBM and Motorola. Powermacs run National Power NBC and applications of traditional simulation applications Mac 680x0. Bauer NBC chips enjoyed substantial increases in performance over the years.
in this century, Apple expanded to focus on programmes include professional and prosumer video, music, photos and production solutions, with a view to promoting their computers as " axis digital & quot; . He also presented the iPod], and the portable digital music player which has become the most popular player on the market.
mac lantern, which stands for the Macintosh operating system, is a series of graphical user interface-based operating systems and Apple Computer& 39;s Macintosh line of computer systems. MAC lantern is often with the rumour of the graphical user account interface.
another important is invented Apple Macintosh versions, and is capable of operating Macintosh operating system, particularly the computing power and Umax. These machines are usually incompatible with the various versions of classical Mack os.
in 1988, Apple released the first UNIX operating system, called a / presumption. This is the operating system that quite easily MAC integrated lantern look and feel with the power and flexibility of unix.
the graphical user interface used by the Macintosh personal computers, which are similar to actual desktop and has little images (called Legend) of the file folders , a trash can delete files, etc. pull-down menus and dragging objects created with MAC. For people who are not computer experts, and the Macintosh user interface makes everything much easier to learn. Parts of this link by Xerox PARC, but never released.
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Monday, March 17, 2008

A Practical Use Of Open Source Code Softwares

When we began the project of our web site, we knew that proprietary software costs would be too high for our financial resources. Our only option then was to use software open source.

However, in the framework of the Open Source Code many software to choose from, and it is up to the systems analyst and programmer to choose the ones that best meet the objectives of the project.

In our case, we have chosen Linux as the operating system. But we face a big question: What Linux distribution? There are dozens of Linux distributions, each with specific advantages, sometimes, with or without payment service.

We elected Slackware Linux because we thought to be better adapted to our needs, in terms of stability and reliability. Slackware distribution is a conservative, in that it is only available in its package distribution versions of the kernel and libraries from third parties, once it has proven to be stable and reliable. As a result, Slackware is one of the most stable operating system Linux on the market. If the user wants the latest Linux kernel and libraries, it is recommended to the search for a different distribution.

Another reason for us to collect slackware was due to its interface text, which initially can be a little difficult, in the long run, however, offers a better understanding of the Linux environment. Thus most of the text Slackware configurations are done through scripts.

Once the establishment of the operating system, Apache as reflected our web server. Apache is one of the most popular web server on the Internet. For server programming language, we chose PHP. Also, a very popular programming language. Our experience with Apache / PHP demonstrates that this facility is very reliable, working very well in our production environment. For programming language work, we chose javascript, which in addition to having a simple syntax, which provides a large amount of resources.

Apache web server is really a complete web server. In addition, it can become very complex with many configurations configuration.

For our database collected Postgresql. This database has been made available to the public for more than 15 years, and in addition to being well debugged, which offers many resources that has become one of the best choices of database software open source . Extremely reliable, Postgresql has reported cases have occurred in the production of databases with more than 4 terabytes. In addition to all that, Postresql is not the most popular database of open source. One issue marketing? Probably.

As for PHP programming language, we had to use a structure for implementing object-oriented. There are many structures PHP application that are offered to license source code open. Application object oriented is very important because it makes it easy programming and scalable to the point where the system can grow without many problems. It also helps to maintain separate PHP code HTML, with the help of some libraries, like Smarty. We made use of the library Smarty and we believe it is a very important resource that can make Web pages faster through the use of the cache of its functions.

Also a very important set of libraries worth mentioning PHP systems is the PEAR libraries. In PEAR website, among the many libraries that are offered are the database and interface MAIL QUEUE DB, which sends e-mail messages through the use of the database.

As we have reached the end of our project, we had to use some kind of database replication in real time. For that chose the DRBD Heartbeat and libraries. The use of database replication is very important and should not be postponed. Only after 3 months of our system went into production, our server hard drive became bad. Through the use of DRBD / Heartbeat we were able to put it back into the production system in a matter of seconds, without losing any data. DRBD / Heartbeat replication is done through the use of a network lan between the server and slave nodes.

Our project also uses ImageMagick (zoom in and out images), Iptables (firewall), Tsearch2 (text search in portgresql) and Mon (linux monitoring).

Also a very important library worth mentioning is the pseudo APC compiler for PHP. Speed is always a critical factor for Internet sites.

Our website is already in production and based on our experience we can say that the software Open Source Code We chose, proved to be extremely reliable and stable. Open source code software can be an excellent option for the development of websites.

This article is licensed under the GNU FDL and can be distributed without prior permission of the author. However, the author& 39;s name and all URLs & 39; s (links) mentioned in the biography section and should be retained. carlene ardella

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